Who is Spike?
If you don't know, Spike is the other mascot for the University of Georgia who helps cheer on the men and women's basketball and volleyball teams. Spike is Hairy Dawg's happy- go-lucky "little" brother. It is not uncommon to see Spike bouncing up and down on one hand or even upside down on his head! No one ever really knows what spike is up to but he is sure to bring a smile to fans' faces with his fun yet sometimes clumsy actions.
Understanding the character of Spike is extremely important when aspiring to tryout. To make a long description short, when Spike enters a room, he does so tripping over his own feet or bouncing in upside down on his head. With his goofy attitude, wide-eyed blank stare, and height, he is an expert at distracting opponents while shooting free throws. When it comes down to it, Spike is still just a young "little" 8 foot tall puppy and he very much still acts like one, all while representing the best University in the land.
There are no height or any other physical requirements to try out for Spike.